Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I'm here! I've meant to post for the past few days but just haven't found the time to logon and get my thoughts down. So here it is.

It was a fantastic weekend! Friday night was rehearsal for The Gospel According to Scrooge. But this wasn't any regular rehearsal. This one we had at an off-site gymnastics studio. Imagine this: a sea of adults and teens stepping onto a bouncy gymnastics floor and instantly jumping, jumping, jumping. What a sight! And we have this doll that we're using as the baby Tiny Tim that looks ridiculously like a real baby that it's eerie. It's heavy and has cute little eyelashes and life-like eyes. Crazy!

Saturday night was cool too. I went into Seattle with Marianne and we got last-minute tickets to the Pacific Northwest Ballet. A great show! We saw Agon (a Balanchine classic), Kiss (an aerial pas de duex), Caught (a David Parsons' piece using a strobe light), and In the Upper Room (an interesting Twyla Tharp piece). Insane seats in the second row but definitely not as good as you'd think. For one, my view was partially blocked by the head of the woman sitting in front of me. Secondly, the cool strobe light piece was nearly impossible to actually see because we were so close to the lights. It's as if all we saw was light and not enough distance between us and the dancer for our eyes to focus on what the light was reflecting off of. At any rate, it was still fun!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Don't cry for me...

I am constantly amazed by the strange little things in life. For example, I needed to go to the grocery store today after work to pick up groceris (surprise!). What song do I hear over the speaker system? "Don't Cry for me Argentina." How random! What's worse is that I found myself softly singing along while walking down the cereal aisle. Thank goodness for the kind guy restocking the shelves who didn't give me a strange look and only said "hello." I love the kind Washingtonians!

My other observation this week: if you let your imagination run a bit you could come to the conclusion that the mountains in Issaquah are bullying the clouds. Let your mind run on this one. The church is up on a plateau and as you drive down into Issaquah, you're coming down to a stores and homes nestled between three mountains (Tiger, Skwak and Cougar). On a foggy day you get a really cool sight of the clouds trapped between the mountains and just kind of sitting there kind of bubbling on top of themselves trying to escape. Very cool. Can you see it? No? Ok, I'll try to take a picture the next time. :)

Oh! Exciting news on the new church property...we poured the first bit of concrete yesterday!

The artsy shot (above) and the better view (right).

"The guys" surveying the basement of the future building.

Saturday, November 3, 2007


When I lived in the Tri-state area I was rarely surprised by the unusual things I saw - Superman walking down the street in Port Chester, crazy clothes, funky hair, weird people in general. But it's so less common here that when someone stands out from the crowd, good or bad, I'm usually really tickled. Take for example a fellow I saw today. I was on a little shopping adventure with a friend in Covington and as we were pulling out of the parking lot a little old man (definitely in his 70s or 80s) whizzes past us on a little scooter. I'm not talking about a Vespa or a motorcycle, but a scooter with a seat. What a thing to see!

That's about it...enjoying another beautiful day in the Northwest. Here's a picture of yesterday's sunset through the trees. Can you see the purple clouds along with the orange ones? I know...totally hard to see it but trust me, it was gorgeous!

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Not too much to share from the past two days aside from shooting hoops last night. Ok, so I was really just overseeing one of those little hot shot basketball games at ECA's Fall Festival and was passing out candy to all the little dressed up kidos, but it was still fun. The best costume I saw? My friend's oldest daughter (she's 7 or 8) dressed up as her mother...in all black with a little tech headset. What was she? A producer. How great is that?! Am I showing my geeky side? Wait. Don't answer that.

Otherwise, I took a friend's advice and joined a couple groups on Meetup.com. Pretty cool site where I can hopefully get to know some new people outside of the circle of people I'm meeting. The best group I've found so far is New Yorkers in Seattle. Finally, someone who genuinely shares my longing for real bagels and good pizza. :)

Oh, my Verizon phone (the 203-xxx-xxxx CT number) is going out of service on Saturday. Drop me an email or comment if you're looking for my new 425-xxx-xxxx WA number. That's it for now. Later!