Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A fresh start with a fresh month

I've realized I'm not a great blogger. I love reading other people's but have a truly difficult time keeping my own current. So in an effort to bring you up to speed - the highlights from the last four months:

- Marianne moved out.

- Marianne moved back in. (To clarify, she house sat for two weeks and went on vacation for one week.)

- I organized a family conference. Yes, a family conference. I was single at the time. I'm still single.

- I went back to Fargo for Thanksgiving and introduced my parents to Macy's after Thanksgiving Day sale. They thanked me.

- The Gospel According to Scrooge performances went well. I made a return performance as Angel #2.

- Marianne successfully planned a surprise birthday party for me. It got snowed out. Twice.

- Five lightbulbs burned out in the apartment.

- I began teaching Marianne all things snow, including driving, snow shoveling and the joy of children's playground equipment in the snow. (Check out the video below.)

- I enjoyed a l-o-n-g vacation in Vermont over Christmas and New Years. Thanks Continental Airlines!

- My aunt said, "2008 wasn't great, but 2009 will be fine." I didn't believe her when I came home from Vermont to find a tree branch had shattered my back car windshield.

- Got the window fixed and test drove the new 2009 M6. It's nice!

- I got a great deal on a flight and rental car in Connecticut. Seriously, who can beat $189 roundtrip with taxes?!?!

- I hosted my first small group at the apartment. We had fun!

- A new rug for the living room was delivered today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like the new rug. You really should keep up your blog - it's such fun to read. Love you...